Beautiful Piles


Create piles of various colored objects.  You could use bits of fabric, colored pencils, lego pieces, string, rocks, clothes, whatever you have on hand.  Photograph your piles.


Felix Gonzalez-Torres

Lara Almarcegui

Christian Boltanski

Mucchi bellissimi


Crea mucchi di vari oggetti colorati. Potresti usare pezzi di tessuto, matite colorate, lego, corda, sassi, vestiti, qualsiasi cosa tu abbia a portata di mano.  Fotografa i tuoi mucchi.


 Felix Gonzalez-Torres

Lara Almarcegui

Christian Boltanski

Italian translation by/Traduzione italiana di Monica Guerra

De jolis tas

Entasse différents objets colorés. Tu peux utiliser des bouts de tissu, des crayons de couleur, des pièces de Lego, des morceaux de ficelle, des pierres, des vêtements ou tout ce que tu as sous la main. Prends tes tas en photo.

Recherche :

Felix Gonzalez-Torres

Lara Almarcegui

Christian Boltanski

French translation by/Traduction française d’Oriana Weyer

Schöne Haufen

Häufe unterschiedliche bunte Gegenstände auf. Du kannst dafür Stoffreste, bunte Stifte, Legoteile, Schnüre, Steine oder Kleidungsstücke verwenden – was auch immer du gerade zur Hand hast. Fotografiere deine Haufen.


 Felix Gonzalez-Torres

Lara Almarcegui

Christian Boltanski

German translation by  Heike Bräutigam

Keri Smith

Keri Smith is a Canadian conceptual artist and author of several bestselling books and apps about creativity including Wreck This Journal (Penguin), This is Not a Book (Penguin), and How to be an Explorer of the World -the Portable Life/Art Museum.

Keri conducts workshops based on her books and formerly taught a class in conceptual illustration at Emily Carr University of Art and Design, in Vancouver Canada. The main focus of her work/research is on creating what the writer Umberto Eco called “Open works”, pieces that are completed by the reader/user.

Boredom Drawings


Found Smells